Captain Tom 100: 100 fundraising ideas


What’s your 100?

In 2020, Captain Tom inspired the nation when he challenged himself to walk 100 laps of his garden to raise money for our NHS. To celebrate what would have been his 101st birthday, the Captain Tom 100 challenges you to take on your own 100 challenge from Friday 30 April to Monday 3 May.

From covering 100 miles over the weekend to doing a silly activity 100 times, you can make this challenge whatever you want it to be. When you’ve decided what you’d like to do, simply set up your JustGiving page and start fundraising for your local hospitals.

Here are 100 ideas from the Captain Tom 100 team to get you thinking!

100 hops on a pogo stick

100 skips | Climb 100 stairs | Score 100 football penalties | Juggle for 100 seconds | Run for 100 minutes | Bake 100 cupcakes | Send 100 messages | Build 100 sandcastles | Take 100 dog walks | Jump 100 waves | Write & post 100 letters | Cook 100 meals for the homeless | Walk 100 laps of your garden | Do 100 push-ups | Do 100 keepie-uppies | Toss 100 pancakes | Write a 100 word story | Bake 100 biscuits | Do 100 star jumps | Balance something on your head for 100 secs | Sketch a self portrait in 100 seconds | Sing for 100 seconds | Bounce a cricket ball 100 times on a bat | Plant 100 seeds

Give 100 virtual high fives

Throw and catch a ball 100 times without dropping it | Paint a ‘100’ and put it in your window |Give away 100 likes on social media Take 100 photographs | Shake-up 100 cocktails | Walk 100 km | Swim 100m | Hold 100 minutes of silence | Meditate for 100 minutes | Do 100 hula hoops | Do 100 bunny hops on your bike | Walk 100 thousand steps | Share 100 Zoom calls with your friends | Scooter for 100 minutes | Make 100 nature paintings | Write a 100 word poem | Sing all your words for 100 minutes | Create 100 different outfits from your wardrobe | Finish a new puzzle in under 100 minutes | Create a 100-step treasure hunt | Host a virtual party for 100 people | Build something with 100 lego bricks | Make a 100 domino run

Pick-up 100 pieces of rubbish

Do a supermarket sweep and donate 100 items | Draw out an artwork walking on Strava like ‘CaptainTom100’ | Start a 100-hour Twitch stream | Plant 100 trees ( | Donate 100 items to your local food bank | Do 100 kick-flips on a skateboard | Do 100 bounces on a trampoline | Complete 100 games of Fortnite | Share 100 positive affirmations with people you love | Plant 100 vegetables in your garden | Run 100 laps of your local park | Eat 100 grapes | Cook 100 family meals | Lip sync to 100 songs | Complete a 10km virtual relay with 10 friends | Go down a slide 100 times | Create a 100 track playlist

Host a 100 question quiz for friends and family

Dress in 100 different fancy dress costumes | Read 100 minutes of children’s books before bed | Carry out 100 good deeds | Wash 100 cars | Get 1 hole in 1 in 100 shots | Watch 100 episodes of your favourite show | Do 100 forward rolls | Send 100 postcards | Balance 100 beer mats on your head | Make 100 friendship bracelets | Hang 100 messages of hope on a tree | Create a patchwork quilt of 100 squares | Have a duck race with 100 rubber ducks | Run a free yoga class for 100 people | Complete 100 hours of fasting | Learn to say thank you in 100 different languages

We’re here to help you

Please get in touch with Hannah if you have any questions about the Captain Tom 100.

Contact Hannah

Community Fundraising Manager

07920 413700

Thank you for your support – it makes a huge difference to our patients, their families and our staff.

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