Tanya’s story: I stepped outside my comfort zone


Tanya, senior sister on the Stroke ward, has spurred on her team to fundraise.

I’ve worked at North Bristol NHS Trust for 22 years and know first-hand about the amazing care that happens every day. But it was seeing two of my close relatives receiving care that made me want to raise money for my hospital.

I really wanted to say thank you by giving back to the Charity and I was lucky to have enthusiastic colleagues willing to get involved too! 

It’s special to do something so positive for the hospitals

I pushed myself to do something that was outside my comfort zone by signing up for the Amazing Abseil Adventure. Being part of a team made it more special.

I was so nervous as I stood at the top of the Brunel Building! But the whole experience was made easier by being able to abseil alongside one of my good friends, and having my family, friends and colleagues waiting for me on the ground below. Knowing so many people had sponsored me was also a massive encouragement – there was no way I could back out!

Bake Well has been another event that the team has really got behind. Everyone joins in with setting up the stall and selling cakes, and we’re grateful to be able to come together as a team away from our work environment. We get to chat with people in the atrium, and they will often ask questions about what we do and how the Charity helps. It gives us a chance to share with them how much the Charity does to support us and our patients across the hospitals.

Money raised here, stays here

It’s so empowering knowing that when you raise money for your local NHS charity, it goes directly into the hospitals for the benefit of patients and staff. The support from the whole Charity team has been amazing and Adrian, Hannah, and Ian have always been there to offer support and guidance. 

It’s such a great feeling to give something back and I always think that one day it could be you or a family member that benefits from the money raised. Anyone can get involved in fundraising – whether it’s bake sales, abseiling, or coming up with a fundraiser which is totally unique to you. We’ve loved taking part in the events, and, without a doubt, the Stroke team will raise money for the Charity again. 

Sign up for one of our challenge events or create your own fundraiser to raise money for your local NHS in Bristol. Please contact Hannah for more information and to start your fundraising.

Contact Hannah

Community Fundraising Manager


07920 413700

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