Garden for Saplings Nursery


Saplings Nursery at Southmead Hospital looks after 91 children each day with over 150 children accessing the provision every week. Your donations have helped to redevelop the outside space, which was previously unsuitable for the children to play in.

The dedicated garden supports two age groups within the nursery. Children up to the age of two now have their own garden to explore, including a sand pit, little bridges, a mud kitchen, and a small climbing frame.

The other half of the garden is for the preschool children to free flow into this space throughout the whole of the day, building their independence and curiosity.

Preschool children are now able to appreciate nature and the environment even more, exploring and interacting with the elements around them and gaining an understanding of the world they live in.

“The benefits of having an exciting outdoor space for the children are endless. My colleagues and I, and the parents of our children – many of whom work at the hospital – are so excited to see this outdoor space come to life.

It’s amazing seeing the wonderful, curious children we look after gaining new experiences where they can play, learn, and grow together – an essential part of their early development. Thank you so very much.” ~ Helen Dacre, Saplings Nursery Manager

To find out about more projects, roles, research and equipment made possible by your donations, please have a look at our Impact Report for 2021-2022.

You can help create calming places and healing spaces at North Bristol NHS Trust by donating today. Thank you.

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