Julie’s story: Make sure you say ‘thank you’ to the NHS


Julie sells crafts to raise money for the Breast Cancer Centre where she was treated.

In 2016, a routine mammogram changed my life. I received the news that I had breast cancer. Over the next months, I had surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Through it all, the care and attention I received was heartening, and the experience really opened my eyes to the sheer dedication of those working in our hospitals. Even now, a few years on from my diagnosis, they still offer me support.

I felt so grateful for the care that I received and wanted to show how much I appreciated each and every member of staff at the Breast Care Centre who has been part of my journey. 

I wanted to give a little back

During a hospital visit, I saw a cake stall in Southmead Hospital’s Atrium and an idea began to form in my mind about setting up my own craft stall to raise money for the hospitals. I’ve always loved to make cards, ceramics and everything in between and I had some lovely items stored at home.

I asked at the front desk about the possibility of having my own stall and they gave me the contact details for the Charity team. It all progressed from there!

It’s more than raising money

Getting involved in fundraising was new to me so I was nervous at first. How would I display my crafts? What if I didn’t sell anything? However, the help I received from the Charity team was exceptional. They answered all my questions, provided tables, collection boxes and posters, and ensured that I was able to set up in a prominent position in the Atrium. 

Giving back to our local hospitals has benefits beyond raising money. I felt a sense of achievement that I had persevered with the idea, and it’s so enjoyable to meet people who, like me, want to say thank you to those wonderful NHS workers who are always there to care for us and our families. 

If you’re a crafter, baker, or have any other talent, don’t let your doubts stop you: make sure you say ‘thank you’ to the NHS in your own creative and unique way.

Like Julie, you can fundraise your way for your local NHS in Bristol. Please contact Hannah for more information or to start raising money today.

Contact Hannah

Community Fundraising Manager


07920 413700

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